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Mikumi National Park

Mikumi National Park

The park is rich in wildlife. And animals like buffaloes, hippos, baboons, sable antelopes, lions, wild dogs, wildebeests, zebras, impalas, giraffe, warthogs, and elephants which can easily be viewed all the year round.

Reptiles including crocodiles, monitor lizards and pythons are also resident in the park. Over 300 species of bird have been recorded some of which are Eurasian migrants.

Mikumi National Park is also home to lions as well as leopards. Even the African wild dog is present and spotting this rare creature can be a real treat for visitors. There are two artificial pools approximately 5 km north of the main gate and both of them are famous for Mikumi’s few hippos. Furthermore the pools attract an array of water birds such as blacksmith plovers, cattle egrets, various herons, fish eagles and many more. As Mikumi National Park is part of the Selous ecosystem it always has a good number of wildlife moving in and out of the park. The main feature of the park is the Mikumi flood plain, along with the mountain ranges that border the park on two sides. Open grasslands dominate in the flood plain, eventually merging with the miombo woodland covering the lower hills.